Making a Complaint

Step 1 - Contacting the NCC

The first thing you must do is contact the NCC directly by reaching the Contact Centre – Client Services by going to the NCC web site page Contact Us.

Step 2 - Deciding to make a complaint with the Ombudsman

If you remain unsatisfied after using the NCC internal complaint process and if you have reasonable grounds to believe that your rights have been, or are likely to be, adversely affected by the NCC, the NCC Ombudsman may be able to help.

Before proceeding with filing a complaint with the NCC Ombudsman, please read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). They will help you understand what the NCC Ombudsman can do and how it is done.

The Office of the NCC Ombudsman will:

  • Interview the parties involved, as may be required;
  • Gather and analyze all relevant information and documentation;
  • Conduct on-site visits depending upon the complexity of the complaint;
  • Issue non legally binding recommendations to the NCC, if warranted;
  • Report findings to complainants, the NCC and its Board of Directors,
  • Mediate between parties to find mutually acceptable solutions, where possible.
  • Your complaint will be reviewed to determine whether or not it can be investigated.
  • If the complaint cannot be investigated, you will be notified by mail and provided with an explanation and, if applicable, referral information.
  • If your complaint can be investigated, you will be notified by mail that an investigation is under way.
  • Once the investigation has concluded, the NCC Ombudsman's findings will be reported to you by letter

Step 3 - Submitting your complaint

You must complete the complaint form below. The NCC Ombudsman requires you to provide the details of your complaint along with the supporting documentation that you have, and a copy of any correspondence you received from the NCC explaining its response to your complaint.

You have up to twelve (12) months after learning of the facts on which the complaint is based to submit your complaint to the NCC Ombudsman. Exceptional circumstances justifying the late delivery of your complaint may be considered by the Ombudsman.

  • While the process is confidential, the NCC Ombudsman collects your personal information and communicates such information to persons whom the NCC Ombudsman deems it is necessary to do so in order to investigate and/or intervene as per your request.
  • The NCC Ombudsman's recommendations are based on the available facts and circumstances specific to each complaint. Therefore, it is in the best interest of all parties involved to provide all relevant information.
  • A review of your complaint will not be initiated until all relevant information is provided.
  • It is important that you submit your complaint to the NCC Ombudsman in a timely manner. Complaints involving facts that are more than 12 months old will not be investigated unless there are extenuating circumstances.
  • You may also have the complaint form mailed or faxed to you by calling our office at 613-668-3874 or toll free at 1-844-566-3874. For TTY calls, please call 613-947-4339 or toll free at 1-877-947-4339 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. (EST), Monday to Friday (holidays excepted).
  • Email the NCC Ombudsman at

I will listen and ensure that your complaint or concern is treated with respect and fairly, and that it remains confidential.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Combien de temps durera l’enquête de l’ombudsman de la CCN?
A: L’ombudsman s’efforce de donner suite aux plaintes dans les meilleurs délais, mais du fait que chaque cas est unique, les délais varient.